Monday, March 20, 2017

Epic Spring Break

Today was an epic spring break day. We decided to pack a lot in as this would be the best weather day of the week.

Our first stop was at the history museum. I really liked how the exhibits are easy to engage with at various levels. The kids are watching a video about a historic home ownership case that started in St. Louis. If you didn't want to watch the video you could have read one of two posters. One was for kids, pretty much summed up what you were looking at in two sentences. The other poster was larger but still easy to read within a minute. 

We were all shocked at how much of what we read and watched was very recent history. 

The other exhibit we saw was about route 66. I loved this old juke box. Only about 22 total songs on this thing. I'm pretty sure I have access to at least 22 million on my phone so why can't I find anything to listen to?

We stopped by the loop for lunch and happened by the Chuck Berry statute.

Lunch at Mission Taco.

I count spring break, even when we don't go anywhere, as vacation. So I splurged a bit and bought myself some nitrogen infused coffee. I'm not even sure how to explain the flavor but it was worth every penny!

We can't make it out of the loop without stopping by the book store. We only purchased one book today, The Wicked Will Rise. I really like this place as it is one of the very few independent bookstores left.

We stopped by the new Korean ice cream place. It was the most interesting thing I have seen in some time. They pour the liquid onto what looks like a super chilled pizza plate. Then they start working it.

After maybe 5 minutes the ice cream is spread out into a flat rectangle.

The final step is to scrape and curl the ice cream.
It was delicious but expensive.

We stopped by Micro Center to pick up a Raspberry Pi camera and I impulsively picked up the new Zero. I don't really have a project in mind but I thought I should have it anyway.

Back at home I decided to mount a few pictures I took awhile ago. I don't like frames so I had some floating shelves made. I now just mount my pictures to foam board. Makes it much easier to decorate with new images. Today I started mounting them without my wife's input. We shall see how this goes!

While I worked Sam read her new book.


  1. What a fun day! The bookstore looks heavenly. What's Raspberry Pi Zero W? Do tell!

  2. Time spent in the Loop is the best. Sounds like a great spring break.

  3. Field trips are fantastic. Enjoy this time it goes fast.

  4. That sounds like an awesome first day of break. Loved the photos too. Korean ice cream I will need to try at some point, looks amazing.

  5. Looks like a great (and extremely busy) way to kick off Spring Break!

  6. I loved walking through your day with you!
