In a meeting yesterday looking at some data. The data wasn't about student achievement but technology usage. I was reminded of one of the most important things, stop reacting and look deeper.
It seems like we really want to jump into solution mode, find what we think is the issue and then tell someone how to solve it.
Our tech director is pretty much a genius. I fear the day he retires.
As we all looked and started to offer reasons, excuses and ideas, he stopped us. Our redirected attention was to think about what people were using instead of some interactive software we saw lower usage numbers on.
We thought back ten years and how the classrooms teaching looked now. We talked about what we saw in the classrooms today. Much of what we saw then was a lot of whole class instruction around an interactive board. Today we see a lot of small group, centers and such.
I think if we would have jumped into solution mode we might have pushed teachers into a direction we don't want them to go.
I read this article a few weeks ago about about asking the right questions. This was a great reminder to me to look a little deeper and not to react too quickly.
We are so trained to look for a PROBLEM instead of looking to see what is THERE. What a great leader.
ReplyDeleteHe sounds brilliant, I love the redirection he took the conversation! Really eye opening!
ReplyDeleteI wish your tech director could talk to my administrator! Thank you for a poignant reminder concerning data.
ReplyDeleteThere is a huge technology push in my school right now too. I am usually one of the people cheering on the push, but I'm sure that there are plenty of great lessons that are being taught without technology as the focus. As long as the focus is on student learning, I'm sure it is going in the right direction. I'm constantly reminded that education is truly an art form!
ReplyDelete-Amanda at
Looking at data can be difficult. It truly is a process not to be rushed or hurried through. We all need time to think to dig deeper. Thanks for the reminder.